I’m picky when it comes to stuff like this. I’d settled on Hugo since I had prior knowledge of how to use it, more so than jekyll. But the hard part was choosing a theme, in the end I decided to rice a theme I liked but wasn’t fully sold on and made my own.
The theme is still blog-focused but I overrode its homepage for this site.
Next I looked at how I would deploy it, Github Pages was an easy choice for a broke Indian student, but do I make a separate repo for the pre-build files and final site? How do I sync those? Do I have to manage multiple repos for this? There must be a way to automate this, thought a broke Indian programmer. I looked at Github Actions for Hugo but turns out there’s an easier way.
In the repo settings I can choose which directory from the repo my site deploys from (sort of, there’s just root/ and docs/). A couple tweaks to the config and that’s that. One shell script to streamline this process later, voila, you get to cringe at this article!